Thursday, August 7, 2014

Drawing #59 - Somebody's Mother

The largest drawing yet - on 15 x 20 watercolor paper - is done! Collage includes pieces from my Mother's elementary reader and her plane geometry textbook. The title came from the reader and I've worked with it in mind. I didn't like the size when I began, but it grew on me. I welcome your comments. Hope you enjoy!


  1. I like the large format, that you used bigger elements of your Moms reader and textbook, love the colors you worked with. I like how you used the big bold strokes, wonderful shapes and fine detail work. I think it's a great success! :)

  2. I can understand the reason for the title but if you hadn´t explained it this would be a very enigmatic “mental landscape”. The swirls and the colours make me think of the sea. There´s even a gull taking flight from the waves or is it a phoenix rising from the flames? On the other hand, on the right there´s what looks like a tiny cameo of a woman. It´s all very intriguing and, as always, quite beautiful and thought provoking.
